We always offer you the best quality; we carefully select only the best raw ingredients; every phase of production, from the time of the catch to when Arbi products go onto the shelves, is closely monitored, to guarantee our consumers quality that is unchanging over time, and efficient service.

We take care over our production methods, using innovative technology while respecting tradition, making every effort to use resources and raw ingredients properly.

And we pay special attention to food safety and nutrition, investing heavily in research and development of products that are not only top quality, but also right for healthy, balanced diets, with a particular focus on child and family nutrition.

All of us here at Arbi are the first to enjoy and consume our own products, because we know we can have blind faith in ARBI!

Arbi Dario S.p.a. All rights reserved.
Reg. Imp. Pistoia C.F. e P.IVA 01064720475 R.E.A 115726 Euro 2.340.000,00 (i.v.)